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November 1, 2017


Boris Seljak

Sac Valley Gourmet


Dear Mr. Seljak

Thank you so much for participating in our annual Evening with the STARS gala to support innovative learning in SJUSD schools.  Without the generous support of our business community, we could not raise the funds for much needed classroom resources.


We were thrilled by the quality of your food and very much appreciate your enthusiastic participation in the event. 


The San Juan Education Foundation believes inspired and innovative teaching better prepares students for success. By providing funds for teacher-driven learning projects where public funding falls short, the foundation rewards initiative and creativity and helps ensure that children are not denied critical learning opportunities.


The San Juan Education Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization.  Our Federal ID number is: 94-3160088


Very best regards,


Pamela Lapinski

Executive Director

San Juan Education Foundation

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